Thursday, March 10, 2011

Pearls & Petals (And rearranging)

1. A quick shot before work!

2. Shirt from Costa Blanca, and I forget where I got the necklace from. I'm so helpful, aren't I?

And the rest of the pictures were taken this morning after I rearranged my room last night. I don't know what inspired me to do this, but I did it! It didn't take as long as it usually does, probably because I didn't have to reorganize everything since my room was already fairly tidy. Woohoo! Anyway, my room is BIG. Like (like omg~*), I didn't realize how big it was until I was standing in the middle of it looking at the emptiness between my bed and the far wall. Nevertheless, I'm glad it's nice and clean! I even cleared a bit of space on my desk so I could have my laptop there (and the broken stool. Sweet).

I hope you guys are having a good Thursday! It's almost the weekend - YAY (although it's not exactly a yay since I am working twelve days in a row & I don't have a weekend). Money, money, money!!

PS. Head over to the HLD Fashion Shop for a new item!

HLD Fashion Shop - Cardigans & Tunics, anyone?


  1. In my childhood I dreamed about a room with a slanted roof! oh, I was dying for such roof! I like your room! I also like the shirt and the necklace combination!

  2. i love your necklace ;-)

  3. thank you ladies! the slanted roof is great - it just makes the placement of furniture a little tricky sometimes!
