Lately I haven't been posting many outfits or things fashion related, as you have probably noticed. However, you will have an outfit to look forward to tomorrow - you know, when I'm not lounging on the couch watching The Food Network in my lounge clothes, curled up in a quilt & eating a giant salad (pictured above).
Last week I was fortunate enough to spend some time outdoors and soak up the sun. I did this by planting flowers, hiking the Hermit Trail in town with some friends & going for longer runs and taking more time to stop by the water and stretch it out. Another bonus of this warmer weather? BARE LEGS! Yes! Jump for joy, my friends. Soon it will be sunny & warm enough to wear cute shorts, skirts and dresses sans tights. That's always a good thing!
Happy Monday to everyone!
PS. I'll save my news for another time. It's not THAT exciting.. I mean, I'm excited.
Okay, well I might as well tell you know since my fingers are on a roll typin' away!
This summer I am for sure moving to Vancouver. The suite is in the works at my cousin's house, close to being completed, and we have the whole rent (and what it includes) figured out. Oh, and the bed situation. I was afraid of leaving my comfy queen sized bed at home, but it turns out I don't have to. YAY! The only thing left is to register for classes. Oh, and move over there! :)
LOVE IT! so cute :)
the flowers are pretty.