Despite a fairly uneventful weekend that mainly consisted of coffee, cookies & running (who knew that cookies and candy aren't the best fuel for running?), it was still an enjoyable one. It is the second week of school now, and I am already learning a lot of stuff I never knew before, especially in my textiles class. Additionally, Saturday marked the day I purchased my first "big kid" winter jacket - perfect timing too since the snow has began falling here in Vancouver. There really is nothing better on a snowy evening than baking cookies, too! I hope you all had a great weekend. Here are some snaps I took!
1. Homemade chocolate chip peanut butter oatmeal cookies... Three left!
2. Apparently leaving curls pinned to your head makes for crazy hair when you finally take it out (four hours later). Needless to say, I wore my hair up that night.
3. Messages in the snow! Funny how that happens.
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