After today, February will be long gone. I can't say that anything life changing or earth shattering happened for me this month aside from the fact that I ran 11 miles as my longest long run to date and ate a LOT (I'm talking colossal amounts) of candy. However, I wanted to share with you some photos from February that somehow got lost in the shuffle. Or rather, I forgot about them, rediscovered these hidden treasures & decided to share the bounty with you all today. You're welcome ;)
1. Coffee Crisp Cappuccinos during a breakfast date with B. Yes, they are as good as they sound. You get free refills, too!
2. Valentine's Day socks from my mama. My feet were feelin' the love.
3. Another picture of my feet, since I don't think you've had enough yet. More specifically, here are my fabulous running shoes that are ridiculously flexible and light and speedy. I have began to count the miles I put on these babies too. I loved my old Adidas shoes a little TOO much, and went over the suggested maximum 500 miles on a pair. Oops. I love shoes and I love running!
4. Christmas is around the corner! No, this Santa hand lotion was under my bed, and I just happened to find it while looking for my (coincidentally) Christmas-themed pajama pants.
On to March!
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