This month has been great as far as luck & fortune is concerned! What a perfect time to have this winning streak, as Christmas is a mere eight days away (can you believe it!?), and it always feels good to have happiness come your way around this time! I wanted to share with you some happy things that have happened to me lately!
1. I finally splurged (slightly) and bought myself a Cambridge Satchel. I have been drooling over this large size purple satchel at work for weeks now, and I figured it would be a nice Christmas present to myself that ALSO gets the whole shopping bug out of my system for a while (yeah, I say that now..).
2. Every week work has been doing something different as far as treats and staff-celebrations are concerned. One week we had free cupcakes, this week we had a potluck, and there is pizza & other goodies coming up throughout the month! I snagged a mini gingerbread cupcake that was "gone in 60 seconds," but in my case, inhaled in .5!
3. I won this lovely red cocktail ring from Social Experiment (search her on Etsy, absolutely beautiful pieces!) through the blog Belle Epoque 21. Thank you, lovely ladies, for this prize! I'm wearing it now!
4. Some days call for cozy flannel. I had this hidden away in the bottom drawers of my dresser, and while I was frantically trying on outfits and throwing clothes on the floor this morning, it dawned on me that I hadn't worn this shirt in a while. I actually found it at a local thrift store in my hometown, and it is so warm and cozy (perfect for the cold office/weather since I am closing at work tonight). Top it off with a high ballerina bun and some bow earrings, and I'm good to go. That is, after I finish my coffee.
Have a lovely weekend everyone! Do you have your Christmas shopping ready? It's sneaking up fast!
you look adorb!